Solar Systems USA Free Solar Kit Proposal

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The journey begins!

As it should be, we begin with solar panels. Without them this would just be another boat blog about, well, boats. Our boat started with the need to upgrade from our 28' Aloha sailboat to something that had more room, and didn't tax my weak heart to move about. We decided on getting another houseboat. I calculated that if we went no more than 34' I would be able to power the boat with a DC solar powered motor. My ideal length was what we got.

The boat had new bottom paint and we had a vision. What we needed to do was turn the boat into a semblance of that vision. Well, a few thousand dollars later we have an almost completed in transition will be completed on our way boat. I may post later the construction process we went through to get the boat to the point we now find ourselves in.

Time is running out; I need to get the boat on the way. My best friend Dwight will come with me for a few weeks. I hope to be in Key Largo before he goes back home. The plan is for Lynda to join me when she gets out of school for the summer along with Sara and our two granddaughters.

Plans are just guidelines for those who travel in boats! We will see what happens.

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