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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Steering remote!

My new steering control!

Well, as final as final can be, I am leaving Cut’s Edge Marina May 31st. Well, that’s the plan, and you’all know what plans are for, and if you don’t, plans are indelibly susceptible to change. 

However crazy this looks; I did transport the crane hoist to the boat two miles away on my golf cart!

Dwight came down to help me put up the crane on the back port side of the boat. With it I can use the electric 2000 lb. hoist to pull the dingy up out of the water, or pull my sorry @@@ out if I fall in! We also hooked up the steering actuator, which will be driven with my new wireless steering control (pic at the top of blog). It’s kind of exciting thinking that to control the boat all I have to do is push a button. I can sit anywhere in the boat and turn it one way or the other.

I am also going to hook up my webcam in the front of the boat, so I can steer from bed just in case I don’t feel like getting up! I can monitor what is up ahead via my laptop or my phone. My good friend Fred would surely like this driving feature! His idea of creature comforts are a half melted bag of old ice, and a "cupa Walmart tea in a hot boat!" He always teases me about my creature comforts on my boats!

I realize that many old salts will roll their eyes up at me when they either read this or hear about it, but I’m cool with that. I have been criticized by those types of sailor/boaters for quite some time. In fact, one of these authoritative figures advised the person that bought my Aloha 28’ sailboat to rip out all of the wiring in the boat and rewire it because nothing was done right. Although the boat was self-sufficient with refrigerator, microwave, electric head, Purasan waste treatment, air conditioning, solar panels and wind generator, and was sailed hundreds of miles, it clearly did not meet muster with the old salts that have spent nearly 30 years tied up to a dock. 

So, to make a long story longer, I conclude that everyone can have an opinion however inaccurate it may be, and if anyone doesn't like my boat, or thinks I have wired it up wrong, regardless of whether it actually leaves the dock, and is moved through the water by an electric motor that is powered by solar panels and batteries, or that those same solar panels run the air conditioning, pressure water system, refrigerator, microwave, two crock pots, one electric skillet, multiple fan options, remote control steering, computers, gps units, lights, ice machine, and more, they can keep their opinion the themselves and never leave the dock! Sorry for the rant.

Lynda and I have decided that it is more important to get everything on the boat than it is to have everything on the boat finished before we leave. She is coming along with me to Marina Jacks in Sarasota where I will anchor and wait for Dwight to catch up with me. Dwight and I will then take the boat down to Ft. Meyers. That's the plan!

The rain can then start coming to Cut’s Edge on a regular basis. I will not be there. 

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