Solar Systems USA Free Solar Kit Proposal

Sunday, May 26, 2013

5 days left!

Chillin out on the front of the boat driving via remote control!

We took Solarhouseboat out into Terra Ceia Bay for an overnight to check out the systems. We ran the AC for a couple of hours before the house bank quit on me. We didn't have any solar input for two reasons: one, the sun was setting, and two, unbeknownst to me, the main solar controller popped off one of its lead wires causing the controller to error out. Hence, no input!

We had a wonderful evening though. The sunset was spectacular, the wind was up, and the wind generator was spinning like it had no limit. Sometimes I wonder how long it takes God to come up with all these different sunsets for us just so we can enjoy the evenings.

We got to see a great dolphin show without the trainers’ right out back of our boat. There were three sets of dolphins. Two of the sets of two were herding fish for dinner. The other set of three consisted of a large dolphin, most likely the mother, and two short baby dolphins. They stole the show with many of the common acrobatic jumps. It seems no one gets tired of seeing these creatures do there show. With the great sunset, and a dolphin show, how is it that some people still do not acknowledge that God himself created all of this for our enjoyment. 

I did try out the remote control steering. It worked alright with the exception of me trying to turn the controller like it was a steering wheel. We need to make further adjustments on the linkage to make it have a better response. I will be working on that after next weekend. Right now we are under the gun to get everything on the boat we want to take. I have only five days yet!

I hooked up the dinghy to my golf cart, so I can get it down to the marina and load it on the boat. I use my dolly and rope for a trailer. The golf cart makes a nice truck, and does not complain when I get a scratch on it! Hopefully I won’t have any trouble with it. When I get it to the marina I will put it in using the ramp and drive it around to our boat. I can then try out the crane to see if it can get the dinghy on the boat without much trouble.

Pack, pack, unload, unload. 

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